Spize TV will offer numerous channels in the North Bouquet and South Bouquet categories. The North Bouquet will offer Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Bangla, Gujarati and other language channels while the South bouquet will offer Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Singhalese and Malay channels. Spize TV will also offer Chinese and Spanish bouquets shortly. Spize TV announces the launch of the platform with the complete suite of channels from the ARY Network (ARY Digital, ARY OneWorld, QTV, and The Musik), as well as two channels from the B4U Network (B4U Movies & B4U Music) in its North Bouquet. More channels will be added in due course. While the South Bouquet currently has DAN (Tamil) and TV Lanka (Sinhalese), more channels are being added to the bouquet. The fore-mentioned channels have been available since the soft launch of the channel, while the commercial launch for the viewers will be held in April 2008.
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